

Make a player Drunk.
The player that is Drunk can not take part in the discussion in the following Day Phase.
A player can not be made Drunk two nights in a row.
Team Neighbour
As the keeper of the finest local establishment, the Landlord has more influence than most realise. He can serve a player just enough to make them drunk, rendering them unable to join in the day's crucial discussions. This ability to silence a voice, even temporarily, can sway the course of events in unpredictable ways. However, the Landlord is bound by a sense of fairness -- he cannot target the same player on consecutive days.
With the power to shape conversations or cut them off entirely, the Landlord's role is both disruptive and strategic, giving him the ability to manipulate the village's dialogue from behind the bar.
NeighbourGame Premier
Classic Conspiracy
Created By
Conspiracy Live
Alive XP
Dead XP
XP for Playing

While you are drunk you will not be able to take part in the discussion in the Day Phase. You can still act things out and point to things, just no verbal communication. How good are your charade skills?
This effect only lasts one round and you will be immune from it's effects in the following round.