

As a master of your profession, you take it upon yourself to try and prevent the misdealings that are occurring in the neighbourhood.
You know that your neighbours can't resist your baking so you deliver one of your finest cakes every night to a resident of your choice.
Before you depart, you add just the right amount of poison to incapacitate your target for one night, leaving them unable to wake up and perform their role.
If you visit the same person two nights in a row then the poison will not only stop them from performing their role again it will result in their death!
Team Neighbour
Hidden behind the sweet scent of rising dough, the Baker moves through the night with a quiet determination. By day, she’s an unassuming culinary artist, offering delicious treats to her neighbors. Yet when darkness falls, her recipes take a lethal turn. With a secret stash of poisoned ingredients, the Baker can slip a deadly surprise into her pastries, silently dispatching her target—and sometimes claiming an unexpected victim in the process.
This subtle blend of hospitality and malice makes the Baker both a benefactor and a menace. At any moment, her kind gesture can become a fatal invitation. While she perfects her craft of poison, the Baker must wrestle with her own conscience, knowing that one wrong batch could spell disaster for ally and foe alike. Whether she’s the hero of the kitchen or the harbinger of doom depends on who tastes her confections next.
NeighbourGame Premier
Introducing... 'The Baker'
Created By
Alive XP
Dead XP
XP for Playing

You feel weaker than usual, unsure what the problem is you remain asleep throughout the night!
Hopefully you don't feel like this tomorrow night as that will lead to something far more permanent.