
Choose your own fate, join the Conspirer Team or the Neighbour team. The choice is yours.
Team Void
In the silent stillness before the night unfolds, the Widow faces a fateful choice. Neither Neighbour nor Conspirer by default, she alone decides where her loyalties will lie. Once she selects her side, the Widow transforms into the Black Widow, adopting the strengths and secrets of her chosen team.
But with every advantage comes a twist. The Black Widow’s presence brings new complexities: her allies may be grateful for her decisive support, or wary of her sudden emergence. In a game of hidden agendas and shifting alliances, the Widow’s choice may tip the scales, for better or for worse. Will she stand with the Neighbours to defend order, or embrace the Conspirers’ cunning and deceit? The outcome rests in her hands—and the consequences will be felt by all.
VoidGame Premier
Introducing... 'The Black Widow'
Created By
Alive XP
Dead XP
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