Shadow Warden

Shadow Warden

Remain hidden in plain sight.
Cast your vote during the day just like everyone else, your vote will not be counted though.
If you vote for the player who died and that player was on the Conspirer team you will inherit their role and abilities.
Beware, you will not wake up in the night therefore your identity is unknown to your team, and theirs is unknown to you. Stay sharp, or risk falling victim to the chaos.
Team Conspirer
Lurking in the shadows, the Shadow Warden operates alone, even within their own faction. A member of the Conspirer team, their identity is hidden from their allies—just as their allies’ identities are hidden from them. This secrecy leaves them vulnerable, as they are just as likely to be targeted by their own team as by their enemies.
By day, the Shadow Warden casts their vote like any other player, blending into the crowd to avoid suspicion. However, their vote holds no weight in the tally, keeping their true nature concealed. Their power emerges only when their vote aligns with the elimination of a fellow Conspirer—when this happens, the Shadow Warden takes over the role and abilities of the fallen player, whether a pawn or a leader.
A master of subterfuge, the Shadow Warden must tread carefully to remain undetected while navigating the chaos. Their success lies in their adaptability, but one misstep could lead to their undoing.
ConspirerGame Premier
Sacred Shadows
Created By
Alive XP
Dead XP
XP for Playing